I will seek knowledge to be well versed in
the mysteries of bringing Christmas cheer and good
will to all the people that I encounter in my
journeys and travels.
I shall be dedicated to hearing the secret
dreams of both children and adults.
I understand that the true and only gift I
can give, as Santa, is myself.

I acknowledge that some of the requests I
will hear will be difficult and sad. I know in these
difficulties there lies an opportunity to bring a
spirit of warmth, understanding and compassion.
I know the "real reason for the season"
and know that I am blessed to be able to be a part
of it.
I realize that I belong to a brotherhood
and will be supportive, honest and show fellowship
to my peers.
I promise to use "my" powers to create
happiness, spread love and make fantasies come to
life in the true and sincere tradition of the Santa
Claus Legend.
I pledge myself to these principles as a
descendant of St. Nicholas the gift giver of
-- Phillip L. Wenz